Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Still Waiting Day 122

February 25,2009

Today our great friends left for China to finally bring their little boy home. I am so excited for them to be going for their sweet little 3 year old. Please pray for their safe travel and for the transition for little G to go well. That his little heart is ready and well prepared to accept and love them as his new forever family.

We are still waiting for our LOA but word came today that our agency is expecting a package tomorrow. Please pray that our LOA is in there and we can be on our way to China very soon. Our little guy has been waiting such a long time for us. And we have been waiting for so long for him. Today a fellow adoptive mom on one of my groups emailed me to sympathize with our wait and she gave me this scripture in Habbakuk..." for the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay" I feel like it will be in that package tomorrow after getting this scripture today and I am hanging on to that.

I will post tomorrow with the news. I am adding a picture of little G- our friends little guy ready for gotcha day on Monday morning.

1 comment:

Chris and Sarah said...

Praying with you that it comes tomorrow. He has waited a very long time and so have you.